Workshops and Tutorials Form

For any inquiries concerning IROS 2022 workshops, please send email to workshop(at)

Please replace “(at)” with “@”.

Oct. 23 Oct. 27
13th Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles Workshop on Social and Cognitive Interactions for Assistive Robotics (SCIAR)
ROS4HRI Tutorial: From Zero to Multi-Modal Interactive Dialogue for Robots Workshop on Animal-Robot Interaction
Robotics for nuclear environments exploration and decommissioning: challenges and emerging techniques Robot Trust for Symbiotic Societies
Advanced Robotics and Visualization for Ophthalmic Surgery. IROS – ARVOS Artificial Intelligence for Social Robots Interacting with Humans in the Real World.
Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration: How Cognitive and Physical Aspects Come Together Assistive Robotic Systems for Human Balancing and Walking: Emerging Trends and Perspectives
Riemann and Gauss meet Asimov: A Tutorial on Geometric Methods in Robot Learning, Optimization and Control Probabilistic Robotics at the Age of Deep Learning
Horizons of an Extended Robotics Reality (XR2) – a Converging Future of XR and Robotics Trends and advances in integrating machine learning and automated reasoning for intelligent robots and systems
RL-CONFORM: Reinforcement Learning meets Human-Robot Interaction, Control, and Formal Methods Cloud and Fog Robotics in the Age of Deep Robot Learning
Ethical, Legal and User Perspectives on Robots and Systems (ELAUPORAS) Miniature Robot Platforms for Full Scale Autonomous Vehicle Research
3rd workshop on RObotic MAnipulation of Deformable Objects: challenges in perception, planning and control for Soft Interaction (ROMADO-SI) Agile Robotics: Perception, Learning, Planning, and Control
Evaluating Motion Planning Performance: Metrics, Tools, Datasets, and Experimental Design A Panacea or an Alchemy?—— Benefits and Risks of Robot Learning in Medical Applications
Life-long Learning of High-level Cognitive and Reasoning Skills Software and Control Architecture for Robotics
Computational Design of Soft Robots The role of uncertainty and how it is tackled in robotic grasping and manipulation
Mobile Manipulation and Embodied Intelligence (MOMA): Challenges and Opportunities Perception and Navigation for Autonomous Robotics in Unstructured and Dynamic Environments
Visuo-Tactile Predictive Coding and Active Inference for Grasp and Manipulation: New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Interactive Perception, and Learning in Robotics Decision Making in Multi-Agent Systems
5th Workshop on Proximity Perception – Towards Next-Generation Multi-Modal Sensing in Soft Structures Human-Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges for Real World Applications
Large-scale robotic skin: Perception, Interaction, and Control Behavior-driven Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments
Computer-integrated Surgery: Intelligent Robotic Systems of the Future Workshop on Human Theory of Machines and Machine Theory of Mind for Human Agent Teams
Tutorial: Practical Mesh Networking in Field Robotics Soft Robots for Humanity
Robotic Systems Integration for Supply Chain Workflows: Design, Deploy, Execute
Assistive robots in the real world: supporting health care professional to leverage autonomous assistive devices Open and Trustworthy Deep Learning for Robotics
2nd Workshop on Perceptive Locomotion Tactile Servoing