Presentation Video and Graphical Abstract Uploading

Presentation videos: due September 22

IROS 2022 papers will be presented through 7-minute oral presentations. For the oral presentation, we ask that you prepare a 7-minute video (to award session presentation, 10-minute video) and upload it to the InfoVaya conference app between August 20 and September 22.

Together with the presentation video, we also ask you to prepare a graphic abstract image to upload at the same time.

Purpose of Video

This video (which is different from the video accompanying your paper, if you had one) should be self-contained and describe the main contribution of your work. For authors who are attending in person, we will play the video without sound and you will present; think about the video as an automatically advancing PowerPoint presentation. For authors who are remote, we will play the video with sound. Both in-person and remote authors will participate in the live Q&A.

We are asking you to upload a video for three reasons:

(i) to ensure smooth sessions without switching computers,
(ii) to enable authors who cannot attend in person to present their work, and
(iii) following the conference, we will be posting the videos on a freely available platform, similar to the IROS 2020 experience.

Video Format

* Video file: MP4
* Video duration: 7 minutes [max] (10 minutes [max] for award session papers)
* Video file size: 100 MB [max]
* Video file name: The file name should start with IROS22_followed by your paper’s 4 digit PaperPlaza ID (e.g. authors of paper number 123 would upload IROS22_0123.mp4).
* Video dimension: minimum height 480 pixels HD, aspect ratio 16:9. Zoom (see Video Preparation section below) will automatically apply these settings.

Video Preparation

We recommend using Zoom ( This will allow you to easily record a compatible, high-quality video from the content displayed on your computer screen and voice recorded via the computer microphone.

To use Zoom to capture your video: Create a Zoom meeting where you are the only participant. Start the meeting and share your screen (your presentation slides) and turn on your camera so that your face is visible. Click on “Record” and start recording your video. Showing the speaker’s face is recommended but not mandatory. If you choose to do so, please make sure that the speaker window is on the top right corner of the screen and not covering the slides.

You may find the following “IEEE Video Presentation Guidelines” useful:

Presentation template: We encourage you to use the IROS 2022 logos and presentation style guide available at

Audio and captions: For accessibility, please have captions and a voice over in your video. You can add captions in the following 2 steps:

(1) Generate an audio transcription of your video (you can do this using Zoom, as explained here:

(2) Burn your captions in your video (you can do this using the free tool Handbrake (, as explained here (from 4:30):

File size: We additionally recommend using Handbrake ( to reduce the size of your video. This will make your video upload much faster. To reduce your video file size:

(a) Drag and drop your video file into an open Handbrake window.
(b) Click on “Video” and check that the “Constant Quality” has a RF value around 22.
(c) Click on the green “Start” button.

Tips for Making Exciting Videos

Tell a story: Think of your presentation as a short story that hooks the viewer so they read your paper. Keep it engaging and accessible. Your story should cover your goal, motivation, method, and results.

Check your filming conditions: Think of your background, make sure it’s appropriate, or use a virtual one if easier. Your head should be centered and should take up much of the frame. Remember this will be a small window on your presentation video. Lighting should be in front of you or slightly to the slide (not behind you). Test your microphone and limit background noise (if you can!) and alerts from your phone or computer.

Video Submission

You will submit your video on the InfoVaya platform, NOT PaperPlaza. It will become available to you on August 20.

(1) Go to
(2) Log in with email (the same email you used for IROS) and password. First-time users, please click on “Logging in for the first time?” and follow the instructions therein to set your password.
(3) Click on your presentation title under “Action Required”.
(4) Click on the “Videos” tab.
(5) Drag and drop your video file in the “Upload Video” area. Wait on the page until you see the “Video successfully uploaded” message. Your video will appear on the system within 30 minutes.
(6) Repeat steps (3) – (5) to upload the videos for all your presentations.

Representative Image – Graphical Abstract (JPG, PNG, GIF)

In order to give attendees a quick idea about your paper at a glance, we also request that you upload an image representative of your work, a Graphical Abstract, which provides a concise, visual summary of the findings of your paper. This can be one of the main Figures in your paper or a collage of key Figures.

If your paper did not have any images when it was peer reviewed, then you may include a figure that summarizes the main contributions of your paper.

The graphic abstract image should be with quality

min. 400 x 400 pixels  
formats: JPG, GIF, PNG
file size: max. 10MB

It is recommended to be a 16×9 landscape image because this Graphical Abstract image will be used as an expandable thumbnail for your presentation video in the IROS2022 Conference App and On-demand system.

You can refer to the following article:
“Designing an effective graphic abstract”,
by Alice Chen Kitterman, Science Robotics Vol.6, No.61

DOI DATA for PAPERS of JOURNAL PRESENTATION (for RAL Accepted Papers, TRO, TASE, RAM Papers only)

In your presentation page, please click on the red edit button. Under the title of your presentation, you will see a DOI field, where you can add the digital object identifier of your corresponding paper. Please type in the DOI of your paper there, once known.

Dates to keep in mind

August 20: InfoVaya opens to authors

September 22: Presentation videos due

October 23-27: IROS 2022!

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I will attend the conference and present my paper in person. Do I still need to submit the presentation video?

Ans: Yes. IROS2022 is a hybrid conference, and some authors worldwide cannot travel to Kyoto to attend the conference in person due to COVID-19 travel constraints. Your pre-recorded presentation video is important for online authors to watch in case of a network problem, time-zone difficulty, etc.
Additionally, the presentation video will be shown on the IROS2022 Conference App, provided by InfoVaya, and our IROS2022 On-demand system. All conference attendees can watch your presentations during all conference periods, even missing your presentation in real-time due to time constraints, etc.

Q. I am planning to present my paper in person. As instructed, the presentation video is suggested to add closed captioning in. Therefore, during my presentation, these captions will be appearing on the screen but will be different from what I am speaking. Will this be fine?

Ans: Yes, your live talk could be different from the wording shown as closed caption. As you know, this activity is challenging for providing accessibility to our attendees with auditory disabilities. During your presentation, these captions will help them to understand your presentation, both online and in-person attending.